Sunday 26 May 2013

The Oddest Things Pop Into Your Mind…..

For some odd reason the movie the final Programme popped into my head today for those who don’t Know this was a movie made in 1973 featuring Jerry Cornelius Michael Moorcock's version of James Bond and in some respects a predecessor to Austin Powers. It has been many years since I saw this beauty on Satellite TV and just thought I’d post this one to see if anyone else remembered it.


Peter Cushing Century

May 26th 2013 represents the 100th anniversary of peter Cushing’s birthday, so in respect of the great master of Horror movies I decided to waste my day watching Horror Channels Peter Cushing’s  day on offer was:

Frankenstein Created Woman

Blood Beast Terror

I Monster

The Beast Must Die

And to Round it off the Hammer house of Horror Episode

The Silent Scream

well with this mammoth viewing session over with I shall be back on track with the Micronaut Project next week

Happy 30th ROTJ

Well I was shocked when I read that Return of the Jedi was 30 years old mostly as it made me realise How old I was having seen it first time around, but any way just a trip away from the slog of work and my trials and tribulations with the Micronaut project

Revenge of the Jedi Trailer
Another Revenge of The Jedi Trailer
Original Return of the Jedi Trailer 1983
Empire Strikes Back 1980
A new Hope 1977

Thursday 16 May 2013

Getting there

Ok been a few days since I last posted any progress so here is a quick update on the progress.

well I have got the third layer of strip fitted to the model and have filled the front part of the chest piece ready for sanding to eliminate all the gaps where the strip was formed around the compound curve. and then used some squadron putty to fill the gap between the chest piece sides and the body for that “perfect” fit.

21 - Chest Piece with three layes and putty added for final fit22 - Chest Piece with three layes and putty added for final fit side

I left this for a few days to set up fully then removed it from the body to sand it smooth so that I can begin to make progress on the front piece ready for detail

23 - Chest Piece with putty dried ready for sanding24 - Chest Piece with putty dried ready for sanding

ok well that's as far as I have gone at the moment due to needing to progress some other projects hopefully I will get some more pics of the progress on the front piece up on the weekend.

Thursday 9 May 2013

R.I.P. Ray Harryhausen


Ok I’m Taking A break From posting about the time traveller project to pay tribute to one of the few heroes I have had in my life. His films have inspired me since I saw the original Mighty Joe Young as a kid and of course his Sinbad movies these were the reasons I started sculpting messing about with stop motion and scratch-building stuff for my puppets and what got me to go into the media industry and in some way start the online magazine I published.

Thank you for all the inspiration you have given me you will be missed……… R.I.P Ray Harryhausen


If you want to check out his work look here at his site – Ray

Wednesday 8 May 2013


Well after a long struggle I managed to get the side “straps” on the chest piece done, well the first of three layers at any rate.  the strips were heated one at a time for several minuets then once soft were bent into shape and quickly glued down with Plastic-Weld glue, I used this particular glue as it dries very quickly and gives a strong bond, the moved on to the next strip until all four were glued into place.

17 - Chest Piece with first layer of Strip18 - Chest Piece with first layer of Strip19 - Chest Piece with first layer of Strip

well as you can see after a bit of sanding to get them to be lined up perfectly and keep the shape tight it has come off ok, now the next stage is too add the next 2 layers and cut the side “straps” to length, the repeat this for the next two chest piecesSad smile, then I can begin on the front parts of them. more progress and posts soon I hope

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Getting Back On Track

It’s take n me some time to get back on the project and to make a new post so I shall delay no Longer.  Well after the disaster of last week I took a few days to rethink how I was going to make the side panels for the chest piece, the idea I came up with was to add some 1.5mm styrene strip to the back of the piece to give it some extra thickness, then to build the side strips up in 3 layers of 0.8mm styrene strip.  I also opted to split the strips in half as opposed to the original where I laid one long strip across the front

14 - thikness increased side panels shown15 - side strips added to original part


At this point I decided that constructing a couple of secondary chest pieces might be a good Idea, I had originally intended to construct replicas of the versions used on the original Micronauts and on the Palisades reissues but recently I had re-thought that idea and decided to construct a single chest piece with the same styling as the originals a hybrid of the various ones that were available.


Originally I had the notion of casting these parts as a conversion kit and came up with the idea of creating a “blank” chest piece to fill the void so that anyone could create their own versions for the figure. I’m not sure if I will still be casting these parts but I decided to create a “blank” anyway just in case or if I wanted to make some different ones myself, I also set about making a third one to create a version of the more rounded one that came with the originals.

16 - Making a second chest piece to act as a blank06_G

Well that's as far as I have gotten so far with the project, I’m hoping to get some time on it today to get at least one of the layers of styrene strip glued into shape on the back plate of the chest piece.